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Showing posts from June, 2017

Why Criticism Is Critical To Life

  Let’s start with how we perceive criticism.  It is our deep-rooted belief that critical opinions are directed towards us out of spite and jealously. A psychological effort to propel us downwards.  It is our strong and utmost conviction that criticism is just people finding faults unnecessarily, a try to push success away from our clutches and possession. This indeed is a most likely situation but does not apply to every single person who criticizes us! Lets all face and admit it- no person reading this has ever been genuinely elated about receiving a piece of criticism; be it a curt ‘Bad Handwriting’ note from our teacher, a reproval from our carping boss or a verbal attack on our art and passion. Outwardly, some of us might try to appear pleased, trying to convince ourselves that this critique will enhance our personality; but something minuscule gnaws away at our soul, a deep pierce of dejection.  It is human nature to crave praise and appreciation after perf...