Fathers, an immensely important part of our life, who always bring stability and support all our endeavors. We feel safe when our father is around! He makes us emotionally secure! A father is one who puts away all his savings for the betterment of his children. He tries to arrange facilities for his children, which he himself couldn't avail of. An everlasting pillar of support- a father is sure to guide his child in the right direction. You can always rely on him to get your work done! We always say that a mother is the most important person in a child's life:- that an aura of love and kindness always glows around her. All these qualities are no doubt true, but I believe that a father is equally important. He too, makes sacrifices for his family's well being- perhaps in a different way, but that counts too! As young children, our first idol is often our fathers, and as we grow, he continues to inspire us! He backs our ideas, encourages us to make the most of opportuniti...