The Internet: such a vast world of endless links and pages. One just has to type a query regarding anything under the Sun: and BOOM!, Google Baba sprays you with a bazillion results in literally, the blink of an eye! Students regard it as a permanent and automatic homework completer, while adults find it a fathomless pit of job opportunities. Phones keep buzzing and beeping all the time, to the extent of me going insane! The Whatsapp home screen glares up at you when u wake up and we eager to see the number of likes are Facebook and Instagram profile pictures received. We click the wildest of selfies for no reason at all and forward hundreds of them on all our groups. Wikipedia has evolved into the all-time lifesaving research machine and spending hours in the library, flipping through reference books has become old school. Our beloved Adobe Reader comes to our rescue. Until a few decades back, we were aware of chocoholics, shopaholics and alcoholics. But as Gen-Y emerges, p...